Having long and curly hairstyles are the things that all women envy about each other. Almost all of them want to have perfect curly hairstyles. It represents the peak of a woman beauty according to many cultural believes. Moreover, based on the Western culture believe, having a long shiny hair is a sign of a perfect health for a woman. For a start, in Hollywood environment, this type of hair cut has been the most wanted fashion and it is easy to see many celebrities wear this style. More than fifty percent of the actresses even try to abandon their original hair which usually bushy and wild and turn it into a perfect long and curly hair. They would feel that having this type of hair cut would make them more feminine.

If you choose to have curly hairstyles for your young girls, then you must part the curls into three parts. Try to secure three sections of your hair to the back. Surely, you can not forget to slid a little the overlapping of the hairs. Now after you spray your hair with the proper wet look hair cream you can mess it up to get a sexy look. One other great idea is to make a simple and not complicated things such as adding bangs on your hair. You can do these steps by pulling all of the curls and form a pigtail. Secure the pigtails with butterfly hair accessories and pull them to the neck. You can also opt for pigtails that are beautifully secured on the side instead of the back.