If you are looking for the perfect bespoke wedding dress or bridesmaids dresses, then you definitely should have a look at
Joss Bridal. She has the most wonderful eye when it comes to making your ideal dress and incorporates soft silhouettes with layering, hand beading and draping to get that stunning look. What I love about her style is that it is so soft and chic and isn’t too “ballroom-y” and stiff. According to Joss, there is a trend now in 2011 going into 2012 in that brides want to be relaxed on their wedding day, so comfort is key. Think light weight fabrics, ankle lengths, faded hand dyed undertones and layering together with soft lace. Slimlines are also a big trend as are mixing textures. Have a look at her gallery, and you will see exactly what she means! Visit

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