Wedding Cake Ideas

So I came across this wonderfully over-the-top "Alice in Wonderland-ish" cake by the super talented guys from choccywoccydoodah (based in the UK unfortunately) and it inspired me so much that I decided to do a post on Wedding Cake Ideas. Some of them are quite cute and quirky and I'm sure given the right brief, your cake baker can produce something similar...

Stylised Cakes
Just like the cake above, think cartoony and overemphasised decorative items such as bows and flowers being the main attraction on these cakes...

Cakes with Bunting
This is a very cute trend and its so easy to could do it yourself!

Ruffled Cakes
It's just another way of piping the icing...but it looks oh so pretty!

Flower Cakes
Pretty traditional, I know, but if done properly, the dainty flowers can make such a difference...

Photo credits:
First pic: {}
Stylised Cakes: {} {}
Cakes with Bunting: {} {}
Ruffled Cakes: {} {}
Flower Cakes: {} {}